- Customers
Superior quality
Competitive price
On time delivery product
Considering requirements for management systems and organizational excellence
- Shareholders
Achieving the goals that are approved
Leadership in product’s price
Maintainingand improving market share
Thetimely payment of dividend hikes
Responding to Social Responsibilities of Shareholders
- Society
Considering Legal and social obligations
Compliance with environmental requirements
Timely payment demands (taxes, duties, …)
- Employees
Balancing thecost of living and salary
Improving the environment and ergonomics
Mutual respectby managers
Creating a proper system of rewards and penalties
Solving the problems of supervision
Equityin the services
Solve economic problems(loans, housing, …)
- Suppliers
Timely payments
The availability of raw materials if supplier needs
Providing consistent requirements program
Impartiality in the selection of suppliers
Providing scientific and technical cooperation to improve the quality of products
Negotiate and achieve common goals