In recent decades with the increase of public awareness and the usage of mass communication tools, the more and more companies look to the environment and being green. Green phenomenon is not limited only to mandatory rules; but also the companies are expected to responsibly approach and regarding to the individual effects of their activities on the environment and people’s lives. Unfortunately, many companies still have not realized the importance of this matter. Azintaneh along with a lot of people looking to make fundamental changes. Therefore activities in this field will be sought in the following groups.
Product design
These activities are carried out by the company’s R&D department. Many actions have already been taken for the reasons which company’s products do not pollute the environment and recyclable products are the next step.
Supply chain
One of the company’s strengths is its unique supply chain and because of this, it is more important this suply chain be green. The company is looking for green suppliers and when choosing and contracting it will be checked. In addition, the company buys green raw materials, one example of these action can be the usage of recyclable oil in production process.
Production process design
R & D department is also responsible for the redesign of processes in a way that is less damaging to the environment. In this regard, many of the activities that previously were performed manually and the pollution was highly, now is automated and is done with a minimum of pollution. The ultimate goal here is to reach zero waste.
Delivery of final product to the customer
Transport is one of the most polluting area in the industries. Therefore optimized transportation system is considered in this company. So for the final product delivery to the customer as well as in the warehouse, the optimal path and load are chosen. In addition, in the near future green fuel will be used instead of diesel.
After consuming management
This group activity is the company’s future plans which programs are underway to encourage customers more to be green. In addition, the company is looking to establish centers in the city to collect and recycle their products after the end of their life.